Required Minimum Distributions (RMD) Calculator

Calculate your required minimum distributions from retirement accounts

About Required Minimum Distributions

Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) are mandatory withdrawals from retirement accounts that must begin at age 73 (as of 2024). The amount is calculated based on your account balance and life expectancy factors provided by the IRS.

Key Points

  • RMDs must begin by April 1st following the year you turn 73
  • Subsequent RMDs must be taken by December 31st each year
  • Failure to take RMDs can result in a 25% penalty on the shortfall
  • RMDs are calculated separately for each retirement account
  • Distributions are taxed as ordinary income

Note: This calculator provides estimates based on the IRS Uniform Lifetime Table. Different rules may apply for inherited IRAs or if your spouse is more than 10 years younger. Consult with a tax professional for specific advice.